

频道:赚钱点子 日期: 浏览:11683
"What is your job?" 是询问对方职业的英文表达方式。在询问时,可以加上一些礼貌的用语,如 "What is your occupation?" 或 "What is your line of work?" 这样的表达方式,显得更为正式和礼貌。无论使用哪种表达方式,都需要根据具体的语境和对话对象进行调整,以确保表达得体、准确。在回答时,也需要根据具体的职业和身份进行回答,以确保回答准确、得体。

在英语中,询问某人的工作通常使用“What do you do?”或“What is your job?”,而回答则根据具体的工作类型有所不同,以下是一些常见的工作类型及其英文表达方式:

1、上班族(Office Worker)

如果你是一名上班族,你可以说:“I am an office worker.”或者“I work in an office environment.”



如果你是一名工人,你可以说:“I am a worker.”或者“I work with my hands.”


如果你是一名教师,你可以说:“I am a teacher.”或者“I work in education.”


如果你是一名律师,你可以说:“I am a lawyer.”或者“I work in law.”


如果你是一名护士,你可以说:“I am a nurse.”或者“I work in healthcare.”


如果你是一名农民,你可以说:“I am a farmer.”或者“I work on a farm.”



如果你是一名艺术家,你可以说:“I am an artist.”或者“I work in art.”


如果你是一名音乐家,你可以说:“I am a musician.”或者“I play music for a living.”


如果你是一名演员,你可以说:“I am an actor/actress.”或者“I perform on stage or in movies.”


如果你是一名科学家,你可以说:“I am a scientist.”或者“I work in research and development.”



If you're not familiar with English, or if you haven't had many opportunities to practice speaking it, asking someone "What do you do?" can be intimidating. However, it's a common question that everyone is likely to hear at some point in their lives, especially if they're meeting new people or starting a conversation. In this article, we'll explore how to ask this question in English and provide some tips on how to respond if you're asked the same question in return.

First, let's look at how to say "what do you do?" in English. The most basic way to ask this question is simply to say "What do you do?" This phrase is straightforward and easy to understand, so it's a good option if you're feeling nervous or unsure about your English-speaking skills.

Another way to ask this question is by using more specific vocabulary. For example, you could say "What kind of work do you have?" This phrase is a bit more complex than the simple "what do you do?" but it can be helpful if you want to get more information about someone's job. Alternatively, you could say "Can you tell me about your occupation?" This phrase is even more formal than the first option but may be more appropriate if you're meeting someone for the first time or if you're conducting a job interview.

Now that we know how to ask the question, let's talk about responding when someone asks "What do you do?" The easiest way to respond is simply to say what your job is. For example, if your name is John and you work as a teacher, you could say "I'm a teacher." If you're not sure how to say your job, or if you prefer to use different vocabulary, there are plenty of other options available. For example, you could say "I'm an engineer," or "I work in marketing."

In addition to saying what your job is, you may also want to provide some additional information about yourself. For example, you could say "I work in marketing at XYZ company," or "I'm a software developer with over five years of experience." These details can help give the person asking the question a better understanding of who you are and what you do.

Of course, not everyone will feel comfortable providing personal information when asked about their job. If this happens to you, there are a few things you can do. First, try to remain polite and friendly even if you don't feel comfortable sharing information about yourself. You could say something like "That's very interesting," or "I don't usually share that kind of information with strangers." If the person persists and tries to push you out of your comfort zone, you may need to walk away or change the subject altogether.

Another option is to redirect the conversation by asking the person about their interests or hobbies. This can help break down any barriers or discomfort that may exist between you and the other person, and can also give you an opportunity to learn something new about them. For example, you could say "So what kind of music do you like?" or "Do you have any pets?" These questions are less focused on work and more focused on personal interests, which can make them easier for many people to answer.

In addition to these strategies, there are a few other things you can keep in mind when asking and answering the question "what do you do?" First, it's important to be respectful of other people's privacy and boundaries. If someone doesn't want to share information about their job or personal life with you, it's important to respect their wishes and move on. Second, it's important to be confident and assertive when answering this question. Even if you feel nervous or unsure about how to speak English, taking a deep breath and speaking clearly and confidently can help convey your message effectively. Finally, it's always a good idea to practice your English whenever possible so that you feel more comfortable and confident speaking with others. With time and practice, you'll be able to ask and answer this question with ease!


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