

频道:副业搞钱 日期: 浏览:3790
"What is your job?" 是询问职业的常用英语表达方式,意思是“你做什么工作?”。无论是询问他人还是回答该问题,都需要根据具体语境和对象来选择合适的表达方式。在正式场合或面试中,可以使用较为正式的“What is your occupation?”或“What is your line of work?”来表达。而在日常对话中,则可以使用较为口语化的“What are you doing for a living?”或“What is it that you do for work?”来表达。无论哪种方式,都需要注意使用恰当的语气和词汇,以避免冒犯或误解。


当你被问及“你做什么工作”时,你可以使用“What do you do for a living?”或者“What is your occupation?”这两个常用的表达方式,这两个句子都能很好地传达出你询问的是对方的工作信息。

如果你想要更详细地了解对方的工作,你可以尝试使用“What kind of job do you have?”或者“What is your line of work?”,这两个句子能够让你更深入地了解对方的工作性质和内容。

如果你想要了解对方的工作地点,你可以使用“Where do you work?”或者“What city are you based in?”,这两个问题能够帮助你了解对方的工作环境和生活状态。


如果你想要了解对方的工作经历,你可以使用“What is your work experience?”或者“Have you ever worked in any other fields?”,这两个问题能够让你更全面地了解对方的工作背景和经历。


除了上述的英语表达方式外,我们还可以在日常生活中多积累一些有关工作的单词和短语。“job”、“work”、“occupation”、“line of work”、“workplace”、“work experience”等等,这些单词和短语能够帮助我们更好地表达和工作相关的话题。



The English phrase "What do you do for a living?" is a common question that people ask each other during social gatherings, job interviews, or casual conversations. It's a straightforward question that seeks to understand someone's occupation or profession. This article will explore the cultural significance of this question, its various uses in different contexts, and how to answer it effectively.

Cultural Significance

The English phrase "What do you do for a living?" is an essential part of English-speaking culture. It reflects the Western value of individualism and self-reliance. In many Western cultures, asking about someone's occupation is seen as a way to show interest in their life and get to know them better. Moreover, it's also considered polite and respectful to inquire about someone's career since it shows that you care about their well-being and success.

However, when using this phrase in certain situations, it may be perceived as intrusive or inappropriate. For example, asking someone what they do for a living in a job interview might come across as too personal or even offensive. Similarly, asking someone what they do for a living in a social setting where people are already engaged in conversation might interrupt the flow of the discussion.

Different Contexts

The English phrase "What do you do for a living?" has various uses in different contexts. Here are some examples:


1. Social gatherings: In social settings such as parties or dinners, people often ask each other what they do for a living as a way to start a conversation. This question can help break the ice and create a friendly atmosphere.

2. Job interviews: During a job interview, the interviewer may ask what someone does for a living as part of their initial questions. The answer provides valuable insight into the candidate's skills, experience, and work ethic. Additionally, it allows the interviewer to tailor their questions based on the candidate's background.

3. Professional networking: When building professional relationships with colleagues, clients, or business partners, asking what someone does for a living can establish rapport and show genuine interest in their work. It can also provide an opportunity to discuss industry trends or share knowledge.

Effective Answering Strategies

When answering the question "What do you do for a living?", there are several strategies that can help ensure an effective response:

1. Be concise: Keep your answer brief and focused on your main profession or job title. Avoid providing too much personal information or discussing non-work-related topics.

2. Use positive language: Use positive words and phrases that highlight your strengths and accomplishments. For example, instead of saying "I'm just a salesperson," try "I'm a top-performing sales executive who consistently exceeds targets."

3. Tailor your response: Consider the context of the conversation and adjust your answer accordingly. If you're meeting with potential employers, focus on your relevant skills and experience that match the job requirements. If you're talking to friends or acquaintances, feel free to share more personal details or anecdotes.


In conclusion, the English phrase "What do you do for a living?" is a common question that reflects Western values of individualism and self-reliance. It has various uses in different contexts, including social gatherings, job interviews, and professional networking. When answering the question, it's important to keep your response concise, use positive language, and tailor your response according to the situation. By following these guidelines, you can effectively navigate this common question and build stronger relationships with those around you.





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